Once on YouTube, determine the theme of your channel and decide which video to publish. However, we must maintain the ordinance on the platform and assure us that all the audiences, authors and announcers use it conveniently. If you are a participant in the YouTube Associated Program, you can receive comments, publish content and, for that reason, we will make strict requests.
When enrolling a solicitation of participation in the affiliate program of YouTube, we verify if your correspondence to the channel subscribes. Tales controls pass regularly and despairing that you become envious of your family.
Features of ideas for society
For one of these characters, there are special requirements for subscribers and visitors. If, however, our experts discover that the canal or a rod-shaped specimen does not coincide with the essentials, will not be able to function. We have stable tales restructuring by two razons. First, let's combine the legislation of all the regions where it is available in one other function. In the second place, it is important for the nosos that the English can only accept the concierges.
Do not forget that checks can realize regular form.
Requirements are mine
For each individual function, install the required requests. Además, cierta positibidad de obtener ingresos puede no estar available available to use with the local ley.
The continuity indicates how many requirements that should be combined with the participants in the affiliate program to receive various views on YouTube.
Added 18 days or the official consent of the tutor to administer his pages in the AdSense service.
Complementary content
The monetization on YouTube is one of the main forms of ganancias, even though it is not the same, despairing of all, with a very popular popularity of a canal, many proprietary canals of pagans to annihilate their canal in rodillos. Here are the conditions and links to connect to this service, because its activation is only possible with events that you remember, for example, for the reminder, it is necessary that the rodents in the canal have a number of horoscopes. en eso, etc. We will resolve on which conditions are available for monetization and how to activate.
Of course, the monetization of the fonds from the cabo for the accepted transactions with the enlaces, which is present in the claws published in the relevant form of publicity. Depending on how many times the cabo tales transitions, the remuneration corresponds to the acumula. Of course, an anonymous seal is one of the users that at one time was navigating a video on YouTube, when a point was made in the video of the other mustache, publicity, video, which is anonymous for some research, Tie in the line, or a remnant is represented in the pelÃcula, which now appears in the cinema, etc.
To include monetization, the exposure of YouTube's condensed condenses, without the need for remuneration. At this moment, the following requests are the main ones:
There were 4 miles of a total of clips published during the last 12 months;
About 1,000 subscribers in the canal.
Initially it is necessary to design the head that has two forms of incorrect monetization:
With the help of the red publicity of Adsence.
This spec is basic, and forms part of one of Google's services. When this is connected, the interconnections are verified for the sake of remuneration.
The use of private publications.
On the other hand, depending on the number of rodents, their candidates, etc., the affiliates are allowed to make more money, because some users use to connect monetization. However, this is only possible if the first option is connected or connected to the fund with él.
From the above, we can conclude that, in any case, the user will have to connect the monetization to the Adsence advertising network. We will analyze the procedure to perform this step.
AdSense connection instructions
To take this step, you need:
Disable monetization on YouTube
If the channel already has many subscribers and they are interested in many advertisers, the owners of such projects are very often refused to monetize. This step is due to the fact that when you connect to such affiliates, the earnings are not as significant, such as the insertion in the video at the beginning or end of the ad roll, for which the highest fees are paid. Consequently, the users viewing the clips will be much more comfortable to watch them due to the fact that no advertisements will open in the middle of the video stream. To do this, you need to go to the Video Manager tab and in each of the headlines to click on the dollar icon so that it acquires the gray one. Unfortunately, there is no group shutdown.
Hi friends! Today, I will inform you about the actions to take after you have included monetization in your channel to receive money earned by the affiliate. Namely:
1) Link YouTube channel with AdSens account;
2) Confirm the address through the PIN code in the letter to configure the method of obtaining payments.
We do all this in case you connect directly with the JOUTUB affiliate. By connecting monetization through MediaNet AdSense account, you will not need, and payments can get those methods available on the media network (WebMoney, PayPal, Western Union, etc.). I wrote about your affiliate access on your experience.
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