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Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Monetization on YouTube: Connect to AdSense How to make your YouTube account with AdSense

 Once on YouTube, determine the theme of your channel and decide which video to publish. However, we must maintain the ordinance on the platform and assure us that all the audiences, authors and announcers use it conveniently. If you are a participant in the YouTube Associated Program, you can receive comments, publish content and, for that reason, we will make strict requests.

When enrolling a solicitation of participation in the affiliate program of YouTube, we verify if your correspondence to the channel subscribes. Tales controls pass regularly and despairing that you become envious of your family.

Features of ideas for society

For one of these characters, there are special requirements for subscribers and visitors. If, however, our experts discover that the canal or a rod-shaped specimen does not coincide with the essentials, will not be able to function. We have stable tales restructuring by two razons. First, let's combine the legislation of all the regions where it is available in one other function. In the second place, it is important for the nosos that the English can only accept the concierges.

Do not forget that checks can realize regular form.

Requirements are mine

For each individual function, install the required requests. Además, cierta positibidad de obtener ingresos puede no estar available available to use with the local ley.

The continuity indicates how many requirements that should be combined with the participants in the affiliate program to receive various views on YouTube.



Added 18 days or the official consent of the tutor to administer his pages in the AdSense service.

Complementary content

The monetization on YouTube is one of the main forms of ganancias, even though it is not the same, despairing of all, with a very popular popularity of a canal, many proprietary canals of pagans to annihilate their canal in rodillos. Here are the conditions and links to connect to this service, because its activation is only possible with events that you remember, for example, for the reminder, it is necessary that the rodents in the canal have a number of horoscopes. en eso, etc. We will resolve on which conditions are available for monetization and how to activate.

Of course, the monetization of the fonds from the cabo for the accepted transactions with the enlaces, which is present in the claws published in the relevant form of publicity. Depending on how many times the cabo tales transitions, the remuneration corresponds to the acumula. Of course, an anonymous seal is one of the users that at one time was navigating a video on YouTube, when a point was made in the video of the other mustache, publicity, video, which is anonymous for some research, Tie in the line, or a remnant is represented in the película, which now appears in the cinema, etc.

To include monetization, the exposure of YouTube's condensed condenses, without the need for remuneration. At this moment, the following requests are the main ones:

There were 4 miles of a total of clips published during the last 12 months;

About 1,000 subscribers in the canal.

Initially it is necessary to design the head that has two forms of incorrect monetization:

With the help of the red publicity of Adsence.

This spec is basic, and forms part of one of Google's services. When this is connected, the interconnections are verified for the sake of remuneration.

The use of private publications.

On the other hand, depending on the number of rodents, their candidates, etc., the affiliates are allowed to make more money, because some users use to connect monetization. However, this is only possible if the first option is connected or connected to the fund with él.

From the above, we can conclude that, in any case, the user will have to connect the monetization to the Adsence advertising network. We will analyze the procedure to perform this step.

AdSense connection instructions

To take this step, you need:

Disable monetization on YouTube

If the channel already has many subscribers and they are interested in many advertisers, the owners of such projects are very often refused to monetize. This step is due to the fact that when you connect to such affiliates, the earnings are not as significant, such as the insertion in the video at the beginning or end of the ad roll, for which the highest fees are paid. Consequently, the users viewing the clips will be much more comfortable to watch them due to the fact that no advertisements will open in the middle of the video stream. To do this, you need to go to the Video Manager tab and in each of the headlines to click on the dollar icon so that it acquires the gray one. Unfortunately, there is no group shutdown.

Hi friends! Today, I will inform you about the actions to take after you have included monetization in your channel to receive money earned by the affiliate. Namely:

1) Link YouTube channel with AdSens account;

2) Confirm the address through the PIN code in the letter to configure the method of obtaining payments.

We do all this in case you connect directly with the JOUTUB affiliate. By connecting monetization through MediaNet AdSense account, you will not need, and payments can get those methods available on the media network (WebMoney, PayPal, Western Union, etc.). I wrote about your affiliate access on your experience.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Top 10 Tips to increase the authority of your website or blog

Without domain authority it is very difficult to reach the top positions of the Google search engine and totally impossible if it is about terms with a high degree of competition, which is why it is as important to generate quality content for our website as it is to work to increase the authority of domain.

What is domain authority?

The authority of a domain, also known by its Anglicism DomainAuthority (DA), is an indicator proposed by MOZ and that ranges from 0 to 100, and which aims to measure the strength or prestige that a website has on the Internet with the passage of time. time, therefore it is a changing value that can rise and fall.

How to measure the authority of a domain?

There are many tools that can give us this numerical value, but my favorites are two:

SEO Toolbar MOZ: Extension that you can install in your favorite browser (Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox) and that you can activate to measure the authority of a domain or Google search, and deactivate when you don't need it. In this way you forget about those fixed bars that take up unnecessary space in the browser.

Open Site Explorer: If you don't want to install anything, I recommend that you use this tool that will measure the authority of the domain and will tell you the best quality links that are providing much of that authority.

Tips to increase the authority of your website

1.- Creating a consistent web page structure

It is essential to create a consistent and coherent structure of our website. And the truth is that it is one of the aspects that is most overlooked and not taken into account when creating a good information architecture when we design a website.

It is important to define a relationship on the main page, secondary pages and landing pages.

Here is a good article by Mr. Muñoz entitled "How do we order a website?"

2.- Generating content of great value

If you generate content of great quality and value for users, this will make it be shared by other blogs and social networks, ensuring a great diffusion and good positioning of it.

This may be one of the most effective ways to achieve authority, but if we do not combine it with a good dissemination and promotion of valuable content, the impact generated will be much less.

Take into account what readers are demanding when writing content, because if we combine quality with demand we will be taking steps in the right direction.

I recommend that you read the post "what to write in a blog when I don't know what to write about", where I leave you some ideas or methods that I use to find topics to write about.

I would like to place special emphasis on how powerful infographics are as a natural link building tool, as well as to increase and amplify the social reach of our publications.

3.- Getting quality links

This is the most important aspect to increase the authority of a domain, and it goes through getting quality links that point to our website, but try to get natural links, attending whenever possible to sites of the same theme and language, since Google looks for a natural relationship and that looks for the quality of the information.

But when we do not have experience in the subject of SEO, we do not know where to start increasing the authority of our domain, and not take risks so that Google thinks they are artificial links, that is for that reason that I have decided to look for links from domains of great authority on the Internet and where we can get high-quality links that help us increase the authority of our website.

How to get quality links and great authority

4.- Proactive attitude in Social Networks

As Jay Baer says “Content is fire and social media is gasoline”, and this phrase defines very well how social networks can make our content go viral if we know how to use a good social media strategy.

Content is nothing like “fish in water” on social networks and we must know how to make the most of its potential.

We must be very active in order to achieve great engagement and, above all, connect with other great professionals in our sector.

This social popularity can impregnate our brand and our website with a great social authority, and that transmits a lot of confidence and security to our followers and readers.

5.- The internal links

Internal linking is a great way to transmit authority from one web page to another on our domain.

The ideal is to have at least one link although I recommend that you use more than one, I always use 4 to 10 internal links in most of my posts.

I recommend that you use the WordPress Relaten Post plugin and in this way you can add a series of internal links from other posts related to the same topic.

6.- Eliminating negative links

A negative SEO attack consists of the creation of artificial links that point to our page that have the objective that the Google search engine, and specifically "Google Penguin" penalizes us and we lose part of our web traffic that we receive from the search engine.

If you want to know everything about negative SEO, do not miss this fantastic post by Luis Villanueva, where he tells you all the ways they can attack your website or Blog.

I recommend that you spend a few hours every month to analyze the health of your links, and especially to detect artificial growth in link building. This artificial growth can be detected with the naked eye with the ahrefs tool.

7.- Networking

If you want to get a relevant website on the Internet, you should not forget the importance of relationship marketing with other professionals in your sector, since they are the key that your project can more or less increase its authority.

In this case, the ideal is to dedicate a few weeks to the study to identify which are the professionals who can help us the most to promote our publications, but this is not done quickly and quickly, since it takes the same time as when we meet a person and we are forging one friendship, since this is what we have to try to do through social media.

It is also very interesting to put a face and voice to these professionals and interact with them at conferences, conferences, seminars or any event related to digital marketing and social networks.

8.- Exchange of post or guest post

The exchange of post is a very common way that all professionals use to increase the authority of their website, as well as improve other aspects such as the brand, get more readers, etc.

Normally this exchange is requested through the contact form of the Blog or through Social Networks.

[clickToTweet tweet = »With a domain without authority it is very difficult to reach the top positions #SEO» quote = »With a domain without authority it is very difficult to reach the top positions #SEO»]

9.- Comment on relevant Blogs

Commenting on relevant Blogs is very positive for different reasons that I will list below:

They improve our SEO that other domains of our subject link us and that they have a great Domain Authority or DA.

Encourage other professionals to comment on our Blog.

We get visits to the web.

It gives us the possibility to talk with other professionals and make ourselves known.

It is important to assess the effort that takes any blogger to spend hours of their time writing a post, so the least we can do is spend 10 minutes of our time to read the content, and in the event that we want to contribute something, we can comment on the post.

10.- Social Influence

There are those who think that social influence is important to amplify or improve the reach of our publications, but this is only the tip of the iceberg of what this social influence can really help us to improve the authority of a domain.

Social influence is a powerful magnet that will attract other professionals to make collaboration agreements in different ways:

Subscription exchange on Feedly.

Agreement of publication in Social Networks the contents of the Blog.

Post exchange.

Mentions in articles.

The 4 aspects have a great impact on increasing the authority of a website, but especially the mentions are direct natural links to some of our blog posts, which will give us a great boost to that authority.

Why does this occur?

The truth is that the principles in a Blog are the hardest, you do not have authority you do not have social influence, so although it is sad to say it you are not very interesting for other professionals who seek the "win to win" relationship, but when it happens Otherwise and you get an authority above 30 and a great engagement in Social Networks, proposals for agreements of this type and mentions of other blogs that seek your social impulse will rain on you.

Conclusions on Authority and Web Positioning

Having a great domain authority will help us to have a good web positioning of our content.

Not all the domains of great authority have a great positioning or visibility in the search engine, since there are other factors that can lead to better or worse SEO; internal links, back link health, quality content, duplicate content, broken links, etc.

The construction of the authority of a website is not built overnight, we have to do it based on effort and work, to gradually reap the results.

For your domain to have a good authority you will need 1 to 2 years, do not be in a hurry to run because the penguin will trip you up.

How long did it take you to increase the authority of your domain?

Do you think it is difficult to get authority for your website?

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